Ximna Combines Real-Time Data And Predictive Analytics To Maximize Agricultural Output

Service Offerings​

Ximna combines real-time data and predictive analytics to maximize agricultural output

Agriculture Industry / 01

Digital Supply Chain

The Ximna Agriculture practice offers digital supply chain solutions for the smooth flow of input, products and information across your enterprise. We combine machine learning algorithms with operational and geospatial data to create self-adaptive food supply chains. Simulation and autonomous learning provide advanced systems to manage food safety regulations. Our Industrial Internet of Things systems, designed for ‘smart’ manufacturing, work to streamline asset management and energy consumption.

We modernize your agricultural supply chain by integrating discrete parts across the crop lifecycle. Supply chain visibility and traceability systems establish best practices, and address sustainability requirements including land and labor rights. A synchronized agricultural supply chain helps farms and food enterprises minimize waste and inventory costs. In addition, real-time supply chain data facilitates integrated resource planning to respond to food trends.

Agriculture Industry / 02

Environment, Health And Safety

The Ximna Agriculture practice provides Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) solutions to ensure safe farming, maintain industrial hygiene, and comply with regulations for occupational health and environmental protection.

We help agricultural enterprises implement wireless technology, Internet of Things (IoT) systems, and wearable computing devices to improve safety in farming operations. Our learning solutions create awareness and accelerate adoption of sustainable practices for safe storage and use of chemicals, and proper disposal of hazardous waste materials. Training ensures correct techniques are used to enter grain bins and handle farm equipment as well as livestock. Our EHS services rationalizes insurance cover while enhancing your agro-ecosystem.

Agriculture Industry / 03

Farm Mechanization

The Ximna Agriculture practice boosts farm mechanization with automation and wireless technology. We use real-time crop and field-specific geospatial data to optimize application of agricultural inputs such as seeds, water and fertilizers. We combine image analytics, machine learning and predictive models to identify and mitigate crop stress due to lack of moisture and nutrients, and / or pest, weed or fungal infestation. ‘Intelligent’ farm machinery ensures timely and informed decisions in planting, irrigation and harvesting of crops.

Our real-time remote irrigation scheduler analyzes moisture content in the grain and soil vis-à-vis soil type, crop growth stage and weather data to recommend the quantity and interval of water supply. Significantly, it dynamically controls irrigation systems. Farmers and agricultural enterprises gain visibility into site-specific irrigation schedules and intervene when automated action is not necessary.

Agriculture Industry / 04

Precision Farming

The Ximna Agriculture practice offers precision farming solutions for site-specific crop management. We integrate real-time data from sensors, farm equipment, weather stations, and GPS receivers with historical farm performance records. It enables accurate analysis of field-specific variables such as soil moisture, nutrient levels, drainage, and crop yield. It supports strategic decisions – from investment in farmland and crop rotation to soil repair and surface water management.

Our precision farming techniques identify risks such as water logging, soil erosion and salinity. Our experts mitigate risks by breaking down large fields into small zones based on distinctive factors, to implement targeted crop management programs. Granular insights enable adoption of sustainable farming practices to improve crop yield and quality, while rationalizing resources.

Ximna Precision Crop Management Testbed, developed in collaboration with the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), improves crop yield and farm productivity via Internet of Things (IoT) technology and advanced analysis of near real-time field data.

Agriculture Industry / 05

Sustainable Farming

The Ximna Agriculture practice helps agribusiness enterprises adopt scientific methods to produce food and manage livestock. Our sustainable farming solutions boost farm productivity and rationalize resources used in agriculture and animal husbandry. At the same time, our bespoke solutions mitigate risks by recommending crop varieties and animal breeds based on agro-ecological parameters of the field. Rotation of crops and animals maximizes crop efficiency and protects pastures from overgrazing.

We undertake an objective assessment of business practices of your farm for insights into biodiversity, amount of inputs / additives applied per unit of cultivated land, stress encountered by plants, and the health of animals. Spatial and temporal variability mapping, detects soil dehydration and nutrient deficiencies. It helps you formulate strategies to prevent over seeding, conserve water, and minimize the use of chemicals. Mapping systems help articulate to environmentalists and environment-friendly consumers that your farmland was not reclaimed from forests or water bodies.

Agriculture Industry / 06

Field Force Automation

The Ximna Agriculture practice offers field force automation and knowledge management solutions to enhance productivity across your farming enterprise. Our solutions enable your field staff to monitor and report requirements for agriculture inputs and detection of weed, pests and crop stress. Real-time data-sharing between stakeholders boosts the performance of key business areas – from crop selection and land preparation to harvesting and storage.

Our field force management solutions for animal husbandry and agricultural enterprises measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns as well as workforce visits for farm development. Our knowledge management solutions help your field force share best practices in livestock management and the farming lifecycle with farmers.

Agriculture Industry / 07

Food Safety

The Ximna Agriculture practice helps food producers, processors, distributors, and warehouses prevent contamination and wastage of fresh and processed products. We implement a sensor network to monitor the condition and quality of food on retail shelves, during processing and in transit. It automates reporting of parameters such as location, temperature and shipping time. Moreover, it triggers an alert mechanism when the environmental condition of a unit / batch of perishable products deviates from the norm.

Our farm-to-fork traceability solutions minimize delay in food shipments and isolate the source in the event of a safety issue. We implement compliance and governance frameworks to address operational requirements for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). This prevents physical, chemical and biological contamination, enhances the reliability of cold chains, and facilitates statutory audits. Digital systems ensure data integrity and validate compliance with food safety standards in real time.

Agriculture Industry / 08


The Ximna Agriculture practice provides logistics solutions for the smooth flow of inputs (data, seeds, pesticides, fertilizers, and water) and output (produce). We combine mathematical modeling, simulation techniques and optimization tools to boost multi-modal transportation systems. Our approach safeguards the quality of perishable produce and mitigates post-harvest loss of bulk traded products. The Ximna Optimization-as-a-Service offering rationalizes transportation cost per mile and maximizes asset utilization.

Our traceability solutions maintain the shelf life of your produce during transportation and storage. Real-time collaboration between freight forwarders, carriers, warehouses, and distribution centers streamlines shipment planning. In addition, it ensures freight visibility and supports bid management in spot freight markets. Our solutions address the requirements of diverse distribution models including virtual hubs, merge-in-transit and reverse logistics.

Agriculture Industry / 09

Warehouse Management

The Ximna Agriculture practice offers bespoke warehouse management solutions to preserve nutritional value while minimizing the loss of perishable produce. We help growers and warehouse operators increase food availability by preventing post-harvest decay / diseases caused by fungi and insects. Continuous monitoring of ambient conditions such as temperature, humidity and oxygen enables preemptive action from remote locations.

Ximna combines automation, the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics to ensure safe handling and storage of agricultural produce. Simulation tools evaluate biological variation in products (texture, shape and quality) due to changes in moisture content of the product and / or storage conditions. We use data from grain moisture sensors to assess grain hardness and bulk density. It is integrated with historical field information to predict the optimal storage period.

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